Satt yg mendebarkan sudah tiba~~~~ result seluruh bdk2 uitm kuar dah.. seronok???? hahahahah suspended ade la... hahahahaha... pape pn bg ku alhamdulillah sume LU :P tu slip ni ckp LU.. ble ckp kat mama yg im pass.. hahahah mama ckp "high five".. hahahaha dgn bgge nye high five :P.. hahahah apakah...
berdasarkan gmbr slip di ats.... (cam ayt nk jwb spm BM pulak)... di ats sbb2 tertentu maklumat2 sulit ditutup segala kesulitan ade aku kisah??? ahahahahaha :P hahahahah sibuk je nk tgk la tu.... hahahah to all my fwen2 gud luck tuk korang sume...!!!!!!!! yg flying colour good job. 2 thumbs up... kpd yg kureng.. xdehal der... next time bls dendam...... ;)
huhuhu anyway 4me... hmmm i think i could do more.. hhuhuuh.. tu la study last2 minit je.... huhuhu sadis........ will try to improve my CGPA to achieve 3.50 or above untill the end of my degree...... wish me luck!!!
LOVE U all :P